After catching up with the News and Weather on TV in the morning, I shut it down and start watching TicTok on my Samsung Galaxy tablet. It looks great full screen, it's addictive, and I have a weakness for addictive shit.
I have a firm rule that I don't click on any buttons or watch live feeds, which turns the platform into a frustrating one. The TicTok game is to gain followers and clicks, and everybody plays it.
A lot of the content is copyrighted material, and I don't know where they get it. Much of it is short movie clips, strategically cut up into Parts, hopping to get you to click through to watch the next one.
They don't tell you the name of the movie, heaven forbid you bail from their content and find the full movie on NetFlix or Prime. So you watch a two minute clip, find it intriguing, and then it stops and repeats. It's really becoming frustrating and every day I consider dumping the app, but like I said, addicted.
Sometimes I can figure out the name of the movie, with a little detective work. Then I jump into NetFlix, and it's never available, but you can usually rent it on Prime, for $3.99. What if Amazon is behind a diabolical conspiracy to flood TicTok with clips, just to get you to pay for the full movie?
TV has it's own game when it comes to News. I call it the Coming Up racket, where just before a long commercial break, they pimp you with what's on the other side, hoping it will interest you, and keep you from changing the channel! I usually just press the mute button if I choose to stay there.
I have one more totally unrelated rant. In the movies I like to watch, with government agencies pursuing bad guys, or men reading the News, the guys all where suits! I haven't owned, or worn, a suit in over forty years. I actually knew how to tie a tie once, now I just shake my head and wonder why?
I saw on TV our Governor Bill Lee dressed in construction clothes today, along with his wife who has just got her Cancer into remission, physically working on a house that had been damaged in a recent flood. Bill stood behind his wife, giving her the microphone, since she's leading the project. They looked great, and they're good down home Tennessee people!
Update: Elizabeth told me I can often find the name of a movie on TicTok, by checking the comments (or use if I recognize an actor). I found a chart, explains a lot, and Shelby also told me how. Guess I'll keep the app!