I take multiple meds three times a day. I have this cool dispenser that Shelby loads up for me (as did Jess when I was in Washington). If I miss my evening batch, I know it the next morning because my right arm really hurts.

That's the arm I messed up falling down a Nashville BNB stairwell a while back, and the new meds control the pain. The fact that my arm is killing me this morning means I set my pills down somewhere last night and missed taking them, or the pain pill in that mix doesn't work anymore.

I don't mean to sound like a whiney old man, but hey, it is my blog after all.

So something different happened this morning. I get dizzy now on occasion, but it hasn't knocked me down or affected my driving. This morning I was in bed, laying flat on my back, when I pushed myself up just a bit to find my phone. The sun was beaming through the window so I knew it was around 0700.

Suddenly my brain, my vision, my awareness, whatever you want to call it, started spinning around hard. I had to fight to retain consciousness and really thought I was going to lose it.

I almost passed out big time, I'm not talking going back to sleep, I'm talking going out, and not sure when I was coming to. It finally stopped and I was able to head downstairs with my arm hanging worthless and in pain while my left hand held my phone.

Then I gave the dogs their morning walk and ended up swatting at a wasp with my right hand. God my arm hurts now, excuse me while I sit here and whine...