I've told this story before, feel like telling it again.

Riley and I started an Easter tradition in Kent, WA when he was around six. We kept it local to his apartment complex but expanded it miles outward when he was a teenager with a car.

I would get him an Easter gift and hide it somewhere out in the world. The gift started out as a big basket full of treats, and changed as he grew older.

Then, armed with posit notes and empty plastic egg shells, I would reverse engineer the location of his prize, to his front door.

The first note would specify the location of the prize. It actually becomes the last note. Then I would hide that egg, go to a new hiding spot and hide another egg, with directions back to the last one.

I would complete this process across about twenty hiding places, and set the last egg at his front door. Easter morning, when he came out, he would follow the notes to his gift.

I would hover around at a distance, making sure he was OK, and I was always there at the end.

We had many great Easters together, and hopefully today he's following his dad's directions, one more time, to that In-N-Out Burger joint in Laughlin, NV. as they finish up their Arizona trip.