I've been on a great road trip today with Shelby, Chelsea, Amy, Amanda and Todd. The goal was to drive up into Alabama somewhere and play Top Golf and party.

We stopped at the southern Alabama Bucky's for fuel and snacks first. What a zoo! Todd and Chelsea jumped out and ran in for snacks as we tried to cross over the exit lane to the fuel pumps.

Our snack bearers returned and stopped traffic so we could get across. Then we drove to some huge mall in Folley, AL to get our names in for the final contestant drawing of the Taylor Swift concert, being held by a radio station set up in the mall.

We scanned our phones in and the drawing was in fifteen minutes so we hung around until we lost. Then we walked over to the sports bar and Todd bought us all Lemon Drop Shots. Then everyone was hungry so we ate some great southern food and some amazing wings.

I stuck around the sports bar and met some nice people while they went shopping at the mall. Then Todd drove Chelsea's amazing driving assisted electric car with a big screen computer in the middle, back from Folley, AL to the home here in Pensacola.

It's now 2200 on a Saturday night here and I've walked the dogs around the block while everyone's split for a party on the town.

Amy is visiting for the weekend and she's a tall hot surgical P/A. She was talking about women my age craving some hot sex but all the men around them have croaked. She mentioned giant clits on her patients caused by something, and a drug that is now being injected into clits to improve the orgasm.

It's tough riding along with kids in their thirties. They talk about sucking and fucking like it's just part of life, and it is. Because I'm becoming a sexy man again they just assume I get layed whenever I want to. The truth is, it's been more than seven years since I have.

I need to work on that...