It's the second day into an empty home. I thought about jumping in my truck and cruising West along the coast, hang out at Biloxi and Gulfport, see if I can get myself into trouble.

Then I remembered that I'm driving around with a Tennessee plate that expired a month ago. Now that I'm a Florida resident I need new plates and a new licence before I go road tripping.

So what to do? Nothing today, but there's some kind of street fair going down under the freeway onramp across the street tomorrow. I dodged the street sweepers this morning during my walks.

I really don't know what's going on anymore. I find myself doing things that surprise me, discovering things and ways of being happening that I never knew I had inside me.

I know my family and friends don't buy it, but my brain is damaged and I don't know what the fuck to do about it...

I'm sitting in the mancave on a quiet afternoon. The garage door is wide open and all movement catches my eye. I spotted someone walking from the adjacent building towards the trash bin with an armload of stuff, so I jumped up and met them at the dumpster, holding the lid up. It's a pain if you don't have help.

It was a nice lady who mentioned she just had her 60th birthday party, and I mentioned I just had my 78th. She was nice, pretty, and it makes me wonder if I'll ever have a woman in my life again.

I don't think I have it anymore. For one thing, I'm too fucking old. Who the hell would want to hang with a guy that's going to be eighty in two years?

So, what do I do? Survive? Yea I can do that. Thanks to my grand-daughter Shelby I have a wonderful home in Pensacola, FL. She's on a roadtrip south for a few days and I have the place to myself.

What do I need before I die? A woman would be good! It would be amazing to remember what it was like to enjoy a woman's body. But I don't think that's going to happen.

So I sit here alone. Trying to eat and stay alive, drinking vodka and smoking weed. Wishing I had a partner to straighten my ass up. I have Shelby and she has been amazing, but she's not my partner.

God I wish that I had someone that could understand me, and fuck my brains out. But I accept that it will never be.

Yesterday was my 78 birthday. As I made it to the Cave with a protein drink in my hand, I was glad to be alive, but not much more.

Shelby bounced through the door singing Happy Birthday. God, I love her! She asked how I was, I said depressed and suicidal, and I have no idea why. I suspect it's brain damage.

She told me were having a birthday poker and tacos party, with a few friends. Then she gave me a couple of those green hemp pills to fight the depression, and I wondered out for a walk.

I wanted to go to the bar but they only take cash, and I had none. So I hit the B/A next to the place and got some. My new favorite bartender Brooke was there, along with a couple good old boys I'd met before. They asked how I was and I said depressed and suicidal, and it was my birthday.

I quickly said I was kidding, even though I wasn't, and I got a birthday drink from Kramer, along with a delicious chocolate truffle from Brooke.

Then I walked the short blocks home to see what Shelby's birthday plans were. The place was hopping! Tacos were being cooked, tables were being set up in front of the cave, and great country music was blasting out from the speakers Brian put in front of my truck.

Brian also brought over a couple of expensive cigars which we smoked in the cave. Then friends arrived and we partied.

This is Stormy (a world class body builder) and his son Shaun.

This was the party gang.

Here's a winning hand I had (five sixes).

And Shelby caught me double-fisting in the cave with a margarita and a vodka water. This was after the poker boner...

Our neighbor's Dan and Crystal dropped by as the poker game was going on. These two are a very nice, cool people. They have a massage therapy studio and Dan is also a local lounge singer, and he performs on cruise boats. They gave me a birthday coupon for a massage (yay!) and I got them stoned from a jar of fresh bud.

Shelby and Amy mosied into the mancave this morning, with their freshly delivered Starbucks. They went out last night and did the town with their crew, and kicking their feet up on my table on a cool morning is just what they needed.

They got my neighbor Dan on video last night, playing piano and singing great, in a couple of clubs. I knew Dan was a local performer but after Shelby cast his stuff to my big TV, I'd never heard him, and he's great.

I got to know Amy better. She's the tall one on the left in a recent photo, next to the short one. She and Shelby met years ago here in Pensacola and have been friends since.

I met her once before when we were in Tampa but never really got to know her. Now I've done a road trip and a Cave chat with her, and she's great!

My initial age impression was late forties, fifty max. Turns out she will be sixty this year, and when I hugged her goodbye today, her body was very firm.

She has a prestigious job with people she likes down in Naples near the Florida southern tip. She would love to get a new job here in Pensacola and move back and so does her daughter.

I feel like I've made a new friend, and it's a pleasure. She and Shelby have left to attend this Mardi Gras thing with a big crew of women, and then she's flying home tonight, via Atlanta, GA.

I consider myself an intelligent man, and I've been having intelligent conversations with beautiful women lately.

I like it.

I've been on a great road trip today with Shelby, Chelsea, Amy, Amanda and Todd. The goal was to drive up into Alabama somewhere and play Top Golf and party.

We stopped at the southern Alabama Bucky's for fuel and snacks first. What a zoo! Todd and Chelsea jumped out and ran in for snacks as we tried to cross over the exit lane to the fuel pumps.

Our snack bearers returned and stopped traffic so we could get across. Then we drove to some huge mall in Folley, AL to get our names in for the final contestant drawing of the Taylor Swift concert, being held by a radio station set up in the mall.

We scanned our phones in and the drawing was in fifteen minutes so we hung around until we lost. Then we walked over to the sports bar and Todd bought us all Lemon Drop Shots. Then everyone was hungry so we ate some great southern food and some amazing wings.

I stuck around the sports bar and met some nice people while they went shopping at the mall. Then Todd drove Chelsea's amazing driving assisted electric car with a big screen computer in the middle, back from Folley, AL to the home here in Pensacola.

It's now 2200 on a Saturday night here and I've walked the dogs around the block while everyone's split for a party on the town.

Amy is visiting for the weekend and she's a tall hot surgical P/A. She was talking about women my age craving some hot sex but all the men around them have croaked. She mentioned giant clits on her patients caused by something, and a drug that is now being injected into clits to improve the orgasm.

It's tough riding along with kids in their thirties. They talk about sucking and fucking like it's just part of life, and it is. Because I'm becoming a sexy man again they just assume I get layed whenever I want to. The truth is, it's been more than seven years since I have.

I need to work on that...

Life in the mancave is fun, but the gnats and the flys are a pain. The gnats fly in front of my eyes so I slap my face to kill them. Sometimes there are no gnats, just big black spots on my eyes rolling across my vision, so I just slap myself for nothing.

The other problem is flys. Shelby bought me a fly zapper but I ain't zapped any yet. I'm constantly chasing them away from the rim of my cup.

This morning I sucked something through the head of the Pink Penis Straw, and I suspected what it was. Sure enough, I spit a dead fly out.

I guess we now know how pink plastic penis straws orgasm.

Here's a poker game from the other night with Shelby and Todd.

Well, if my old body decides to make a personal visit to the ground, and I need medical assistance, I'm in a good spot. Shelby's friend Amy just got here from Naples, and she's a surgical P/A. Now nurse Chelsea has just rolled in.

I'm surrounded by hot professional women. Well, not really, I'm hanging in the mancave and they're in the house.

I just went inside to grab a shot for the blog, but the vibe was mellow and private. Maybe later...

My grand-daughters grand-mother got my cherry. Her name was Jenny Arcuri and I met her at a church in Paradise, CA. We even got married when she got pregnant, the church insisted.

It was crazy times, Jenny disappeared, never saw her again, and I started college as a single dad. And now I'm living with our grand-daughter.

I see that moment, where a young guy inserted himself into a girl for the first time, and ultimately creating life, as the formation of the large family I now have, and know so little about.

I'll be seventy eight in five days. My body is lean, mean and tan. The ladies I got stoned with today thought I was Shelby's dad, how about that...

I was rocking out and dancing in the mancave today, with my back to the entrance. I wasn't expecting company, but suddenly I heard a couple female voices behind me.

As I turned around, there were two hot women standing there, enjoying my moves. I cranked the music down and said hi. Then they asked me if I would get them stoned.

Seriously. I knew one of them, and her cute friend is watching the place while she and her husband visit New Orleans. I told them they could drop by anytime and get stoned with me.

Then we got real stoned in the mancave, blasting hip hop out into the parking area. I went into the house and pulled Shelby away from her job computer. As we walked towards the cave she started lecturing me about bringing women off the street into the cave just to party.

Actually, from the laughter and chatter coming from the cave, I understand her concern, but we all ended up hanging out, so I guess everything's cool.

My days have been interesting lately. I've been walking around my Pensacola neighborhood a couple of times in the morning, while the sun is hot, and my mind is not lost.

The last two days, at the end of my second walk, I've stopped at the local bar. I've developed a history there, so I limit myself to one drink. The bartender Brooke is pretty and runs a good show. I gave her this link today, hi Brooke!

Then I mosey on home shirtless, working on my tan. Shelby thinks I have a crush on a lady that lives across the way, but I do not. I teased the lady today about her dinner date with her neighbor yesterday, since I see everything from my garage door. She said it was alright, but didn't sound too enthused...

I have no romantic interest whatsoever in the woman, but if she want's to enter the mancave anytime and shoot the shit, fine.

I actually have no romantic or sexual interest in anyone at the moment. Sometimes I feel like my sexuality may come alive again, and I embrace the thought, but I honestly don't know anymore...