I never tell people that Riley is not my biological son. It's not relevant, and I have never mentioned this in any post across two blogs, across decades, until now with Answers.

I'm Riley's official dad and I will be until we determine who his real father is. I don't have an ounce of resentment towards this journey and I really want it to succeed!

I did the Ancestry.com DNA testing years ago, and my oldest grandson Chris popped up at the top of that list, so I know my daughter and all 14 grandkids and multiple great grand-children are related to me.

Riley is getting his DNA done soon, and they will see if he matches to any members of the family, that had their DNA tested. It would be wonderful to make this connection, to know his background and medical history, and discover a whole new family!

I'm pretty confident this will happen, can't wait!