I just got the Summer Plans update for July and August from Shelby, in the cool comfort of the Mancave.

I've taken up the inside chair around the table now, the one my visitors used to sit in. It gives me a great view on the world, guests to my left, neighborhood straight out the garage door, and the world on my big screen TV to the right.

It's gong to be a busy Summer, and we firmed up one important thing, that I watch her dog Zini and the house, when she hits the road, for work. I said hell yea, I can handle this house, just shut down your mobile office and whatever fancy monitor stuff going on, because I may have some girls over.

We also decided to do the quiet meet and greet with the Blue Angels on Friday, followed by the Air Show and getting some great shots with my Sony cam. The Saturday event, on the other hand, is an all day Pensacola party, into the night. I think my grown up grand-daughter is doing both. Over the hill grandpa? Nope.

Other than that, at the far end of the Spectrum, I may just fly to the Bay Area (Walnet Creek) on a work gig with Shelby. Meet up with my daughter Becky, my many grandkids and their kids, and somehow find redemption to a very flawed life.

Maybe Beryl in Hawaii and Skoge in Sacramento would drop by?