Shelby whipped up a great crockpot with the chicken I bought at Publix, gave me and the animals access to it, then drove off to a political fund raiser somewhere around town.
The Garage Mancave was popular tonight as neighbors had to park on our side due to construction. Turns out Luna the cat is theirs, so the owners dropped by and it turns out we met them at the beach two weeks ago.
Luna was lounging inside with the two small dogs tied up to a long rope, and they were all eating crockpot chicken scraps.
I think I have become a benefit to our little neighborhood in Blue Angels land, not much gets by me back here. A couple of good old boys just wondered into our complex with a dead battery vehicle on the street.
I whipped out the portable charger I keep in my truck and had them going on the first crank. They were very grateful.
I was being followed into a store this morning by a guy who walks like I walk on occasion, escorted on the arm of his woman. I pulled that door wide open, gave them a greeting and a big smile, and let them walk on in.