I watched a video clip recently where this old seafood critic was raving about fried lobster tail. It was his favorite seafood dish and I didn't catch the place or the state.

It was a huge plate of deep fried chunks and it looked amazing. I was chatting with a bunch of local fishermen on my final day at the bar, and asked if they knew where I could get it. Somebody mentioned a Lobster Shack a couple States away, nah, I don't think so.

Then, I asked Shelby as she sat at her work screen with her windows into the world, and she said The Grand Marlin here in town, they have fried lobster fingers and other things.

We now have an 11:30 reservation at the place for brunch, before starting the big day on Friday.

My grand-daughters knowledge of the area, and her ability to pull things together for people, is impressive.

I was in computers for many years before she was born, and she should be coming to me for advice. Now her ability to connect with and navigate our electronic world, at the highest level, astounds me.

I learned a long time ago to let the creative talented people around me blossom and flower. Then we all enjoy the results from every thing, and then share it all with the world.

Well, the big weekend is almost here, and the Blue's are putting on two shows. Friday is less crowded, catering to locals and folks that don't have to work, while Saturday is a crazy partying crowd on the beach that goes well into the night.

We're doing the Friday show, because we're cool locals. Shelby has connections with the pilots so we might get a meet and greet.

It's still gona be party time. My life has transformed from the quiet of Tennessee, into a new world, a different reality, something I just call Florida life.

The people down here and around me love Pensacola. Shelby thinks it's the best place to live on the planet.

They like to be cool, look hot, and party every chance they get!

As I went to bed last night, I was thinking about shooting video at the Blue's show next Friday. I could use my phone, like everyone else, or I could bring my big expensive Sony digital, mounted with a zoom lens.

Suddenly, I remembered my little DGI 4K video camera. Since my collapse I have completely forgotten I owned it, and I had no idea where it was. It probably ended up in somebodys pocket.

I lost it for six months a couple of years ago. I eventually found it in my truck up against a seat rail.

Then I remembered the stuff holder between my truck seats. That's usually where I carried it, so instead of climbing into bed I went downstairs and out to my truck. I filtered through the stuff holder in the dark, and it's magic little shape suddenly slid into my hand. I'll be damned.

This little cam fits in a shirt or shorts pocket easier than a phone. It takes hi-res photos and great video for YouTube.

Together again...

Yea I shut this blog down for a while. I was taking shit from multiple directions about how I was living my life, and how I was writing about it. But now I'm bottoming out...

The days have consisted of walking around the neighborhood in just my shorts, working on my tan and thinking about life. I have a couple drinks at the bar, skip dinner, just like I skipped the other meals, and go to bed. Such is the life of a sad old drunk.

My past and my decisions have been sweating out of my shrinking damaged brain as I walk, and I'm embarrassed by my existence.

I spent my last ten dollars in cash, with two drinks at the bar, and said goodbye. I gave Shelby my debit card and said take it over, she already has full access to it.

During my walk this morning I found two dimes on the sidewalk and picked them up. It reminded me of a quarter laying on another street that I had left for the homeless, but now I'm going back.

There ain't much you can buy for $.45 these days. Which means Shelby has my card and complete control of my bank account, and I have some change in my pocket.

This is how you handle sad old drunks, because they ain't capable of doing it themselves. I did manage to power my phone and computer down, when I killed the blog. My phone is still off, hanging out in no lecture land.

The big home base Blue Angels show is this weekend, Friday and Saturday. I'm hoping to get some good shots for the blog.

I've been looking at my Blog today, and realized that I had several months of Posts that I didn't archive, because my brain was scrambled so bad.

I was trying to focus down into my life, to the time period when the world collapsed around me, and I was using vodka to end it all. But, because I hadn't archived five months of Posts (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr and May), they were all buried deep in my blog.

Archives are great, and they sit right below the Current Posts list, to the right if you're using a computer, or at the bottom on a phone. If you click on any month, you get all the Posts I wrote that month/year.

The current Archive list showed Dec, 2023 as the last month of Archives, which left the last five months only reachable with some effort. So I just archived Jan, 2024 through May, 2024, and they're only a click away now.

I can click on the Apr, 2024 Archive and study the Posts surrounding my collapse in the middle of the month. I'll archive June shortly and it will flow into my Current Posts list.

I've documented the last six years of my life, in a format I created and control. I talk about everything here, with only a few limits. With archives I can dive right down into a full month of Posts for that year, and remember what I did!

I could use FaceBook, I suppose...

Happy 248th 4th of July! It's 1000 and I'm sitting in the Cave with the garage door halfway down. I see peoples legs walking by as they head to the trash bin. Sometimes I can't tell the difference between male and female legs, but they're all tan.

Shelby's covering for some co-workers at her computer station today, so I have two options. Go jump in my truck and explore the area inside a busy packed Pensacola and beyond, or keep the mancave nice and hot, my truck cool, then go hang with the girls later for fireworks and whatever the night brings.

Hmmm, let me see where that pipe's at...

Just took Zinny for a walk, and watching turds being happily pushed out of dogs assholes, is my new pastime. How come us humans can't have two good shits, within five minutes?

My buddy Rob texted me last night from Tampa, then we chatted on the phone. He was hanging with someone who knew my IBM Sys 3/15 work back in the 70s and 80s, and they're both fans of my blog. I'm humbled.

Shelby mentioned a friend got my blog name last night just so he can follow the girls. Hang on, I'll get as many pics as I can, the nurse is kinda camera shy...

I don't have a shy blog, and we don't have a shy dog.

It's a nice quiet night here in the mancave, hot of course, doors open and we need to get a fan out here. Shelby's out with the GF, Zinneys in the air conditioned house, and I'm in Pensacola, FL on Fourth of July eve.

It's totally ironic that I'll be spending my Fourth tomorrow with the two hottest, single, fun loving ladies in town. I'm just sayin, you put Shelby, who needs no introduction, together with an early thirties hot nurse who weighs 96 pounds with an amazing body, on my arm, I'm in trouble...

And I just got scrubbed. I'm tanned, trim, and almost 78. I'm going to put each one of these beauties on an arm tomorrow, and celebrate the Fourth of July in Blue Angels land!

Some days I just want to climb onto my mother's lap, have her rub my head and tell me everything is going to be alright. Unfortunately, being the oldest member of your family doesn't allow that.

Shelby and I are working on transferring my Medicare from Tennessee to here, get a new primary care, and maybe a gym membership way down the road. I finally decided to get my head and face a long past due buzz cut, and I just saw Shelby's hair person.

Her name is Jordan, manages her own studio, and has worked for Shelby in productions around town for years. It was the best haircut and beard trim I've ever head, everything removed except my goatee, which was styled nicely, and ears and eyebrows were trimmed.

I even had oil applied to my head and rubbed down with a hot damp towel, named Mom.

I just got the Summer Plans update for July and August from Shelby, in the cool comfort of the Mancave.

I've taken up the inside chair around the table now, the one my visitors used to sit in. It gives me a great view on the world, guests to my left, neighborhood straight out the garage door, and the world on my big screen TV to the right.

It's gong to be a busy Summer, and we firmed up one important thing, that I watch her dog Zini and the house, when she hits the road, for work. I said hell yea, I can handle this house, just shut down your mobile office and whatever fancy monitor stuff going on, because I may have some girls over.

We also decided to do the quiet meet and greet with the Blue Angels on Friday, followed by the Air Show and getting some great shots with my Sony cam. The Saturday event, on the other hand, is an all day Pensacola party, into the night. I think my grown up grand-daughter is doing both. Over the hill grandpa? Nope.

Other than that, at the far end of the Spectrum, I may just fly to the Bay Area (Walnet Creek) on a work gig with Shelby. Meet up with my daughter Becky, my many grandkids and their kids, and somehow find redemption to a very flawed life.

Maybe Beryl in Hawaii and Skoge in Sacramento would drop by?

I've always thought that noble deeds had great value in the universe.

Back in the South I fed the ducks in the Park every morning. I helped everyone in need, that I encountered along the way.

It feels really good to be a good citizen, and I've always been a trash fanatic, one who cleans up what others threw behind, when I can.

I have a new endeavor now, in fact this is my second walk. I grab a plastic bag and pick up trash that cars have thrown from the freeway onto the green parkway below.

People that walk the path through the middle, leave trash. The three homeless guys that live under the overpass leave their share.

I can also do it in my bathing suit and work on my tan. The walking, bending over and stretching, and sweating, help me get a bit fit. Or, I could go to the gym, I suppose.