It's headless chicken time, here in Tennessee. The weather people are warning about possible snow in some places this weekend, that may reach a couple of inches!
I moved here after spending twelve years in high altitude Idaho snow country.
My landlord just sent me a text to make sure I keep my faucets running when it drops below 32. We ran our faucets when the TV weather station in Idaho Falls said we should, and it was way below freezing.
Our Winter temps often got down to -40°. The faucets were defiantly running but Teton Valley would just shut down.
Schools would closed, and I drove a bus that had a bunch of kids on board throughout the day, so I stayed home.
Leave a skeleton crew at the grocery store, a gas station open, and the Valley would just wait for everything to warm up.
When snow is piled high against the house, and around the hot tub out on the deck, you hunker down at -40°.
But not with two inches of snow and temps in the twenties and thirties...