Something happened to me, over the last 2.5 days. I was knocked out and slept most of that time.

Shelby didn't worry about me, and we live together. My rare limited family and friends weren't concerned, But I was a bit wondering about it myself.

My brain was damaged more than a month ago, and now things gotten twisted around in comical ways.

Yesterday I had to explain to my roommate how a soaking wet load of clothes had ended up in the dryer and was running at full heat without fucking drying out my clothes. And these are the ones I'm taking to Seattle tomorrow. All fixed, btw...

Today I shifted from this North Florida home and back to my family in the North Washington State area, for a week.

It should be a loving emotional fun visit with my son Riley and his family, while living and blogging from his great home back in Washington state.

Jess has setup some games for me to play with the girls, sounds like healthy fun, especially since my brain is running like a two year old!

Shelby got me packed and down to a local busy airport near Pensacola and I flew up to the beautiful town of Charlotte, NC.

From there I was to transfer for a flight to SeaTac, WA. but the thunderstorms changed everything. We sat for more than an hour before they unseated us into a crowded boarded area.

Then they got some fresh pilots and put us back on the same plane. Now we're waiting on stewardesses, and we're still at the airport.

We're trying to fly, the storms have stopped and my family doesn't know what to do with me when I arrive!

Due to a continual lack of crew we didn't get out of there until late the next morning, in the same jet we reboarded three different times.

Riley finally hooked up with me about 0400, took me back to his house for a couple hours of sleep and then drove back to his Auto Body shop right next to SeaTac.

I finally met my incredably beautiful new grand-daugter this morning (well, next to her older syster) who's stunning me with her smarts and amazing red hair. She's also demanding that ninteen comes before twenty. Well, fine with me!

The two girls names are Aerilla = r + e + ella (the oldest) and Taleigh = ta + lee (the newest).

Riley heads to his autobody shop early in the morning while Jess runs her at home business, from a home office, while raising the girls during the day.

They have done amazing for themselves and I'm real proud. I figure the next few mellow days hanging out with them should settle my poor damaged mind down, in a good way.