My new read arrived in the mail today, it's called Signs, the Secret Language of the Universe and it's all about recognizing messages from loved ones and spirit guides from the Other Side. I did a quick glance through it this morning and I saw a piece about the significance of coins, and I instantly thought about my Lucky Nickel.
I can't even remember where I found it, or when, but it was decades ago. I've always carried it my wallet, stuck down in a little crevice where it would never fall out, and always transferred it to each new wallet. Where's my nickel? I frantically thought!
I bought a new thin wallet last year and threw my old one in a drawer, so I went and found it. When I opened it, there was my nickel sitting up on the edge of a pocket. It had dug itself out of it's crevice and was sitting up there like Get me out of here, damn it!
Looks like a sign to me...