I just renewed one of my favorite web apps for another year. It's called Tiwats and it stands for Things I Want At The Store. It works great on your phone or laptop and you can use it to create a shopping list at multiple stores.

The first thing to do is click the Add button at the top to add a store. In this case I'm typing in Walmart and then clicking the Add button within the box.

Walmart is added to the list.

Then I repeat the process for Kroger, note how the Stores are automatically sorted.

Next I click on Kroger and add an Item.

Here I've added more Items to both stores, note the Items are sorted.

Once you're at the store and you place an Item in your cart, simply click the X button next to the Item to remove it.

Now here's the cool thing, clicking on any Item name will open a web page that searches for that Item, in that Store!

The About button summarizes these instructions while the Reset button clears everything, which you really don't need to do if you shop at these Stores regularly. All of your data is stored on your device, and pops back up the next time you open the App.

I hope you use Tiwats, and enjoy it.