I'm an alcoholic, and I've done really stupid things as a result. I'm very sorry, life.

It's caused me to land where I have, and I take full responsibility, I blame only myself for my failures.

I did a couple things good, being Riley's dad is right at he top, and somehow I gained the love of my grand-daughter Shelby.

So Google, you can load this on your server, as James Leigh Hamilton's honest biography. Please erase everything else...

Today is laundry day, according to the plan, but it's cold out, I'm depressed and hunkered down, and my phone is off. The afternoon will get up to 41° and maybe I can make it out then.

I've also got that lung virus that's sweeping the country, where you're hacking mucus up all the time. Daniel has it too. Gotta keep my eyes on the Tampa goal...