I was going to drive up to the Spectrum store in Columbia today and have them help with any transfer issues from my Galaxy to the Pixel, and give them my old phone.

Well, the new phone is working perfectly, I have all my old stuff, she's tucked into a new case and I just installed a screen saver film on her. I also contacted Spectrum via phone and had them email me a shipping label and the Galaxy is now all packed up and ready to go back. No drive to Columbia needed.

It's taken me a bit to learn the new gestures on the Pixel 8 Pro, quite different then Samsung, but I get them now, and they are intuitive and sweet.

The camera system on this phone is so good, I'm leaving my Sony digital with the zoom lens home on this upcoming trip.

A holster case that clips to your waist arrives tomorrow. Daniel uses one and swears by it. When I first saw it on his hip I thought he was packing. He usually is packing, but not there. He goes up and down ladders all day and needs a safe way to carry his phone.

Got my clothes clean at the Wishy Washy this morning and everything is going good.