What a strange life I live as an old single man in a small Southern Tennessee house at the end of a dead end street.

It's real peaceful, I leave my door open all day and the only sounds are the highway to my right, and my neighbors little kids playing to my left.

I have the freedom to be myself, smoke my pipe in my doorway, have a fucking drink or three, and write, and share!

And I just had a revolution! So much is made about the two person relationship that lasts forever, great. But there is a lot to be said about living alone, as a friend to a few, open about who you really are, and doing whatever the fuck you want to do, when you want to!

Without another to feel guilty about. There is no other, probably never will be. It's just me, single and all alone!

It really is an amazing form of freedom and I'm learning to love and accept it.