When I was a kid (around seven) I lived in a very small town on the side of a mountain. My brother and I were free spirits that hiked everywhere, ran with the deer, and listened to the mountain. Family and friends thought we were crazy when we talked about it, but apparently we were the only ones that heard and felt the vibrations coming up from our feet. We used to lay our ear on the ground and listen to the mountain talk to us.

Later on as a young adult I was visiting with my dad’s side of the family down in Texas and I was hanging out with a bunch of my cousins. They set up a game that they were quite intent that I play in which I was blind-folded while they they stood silently around me in a circle. I was told to extend my arms and fingers straight out and slowly turn within the circle. I felt them. As I moved I could feel the vibrations of their bodies and I could detect their shapes, on the tips of my fingers. I kept moving out from the middle of the circle and tapping each one on the chest muttering oh my god. There were some other things they had me do involving sensing objects on a table, but it’s clear to me now, they wanted to know if I had the same hereditary ability that they all had.

For the last few years I’ve been feeling vibrations running through my own body. I first felt them in the quiet of the night as I laid down to sleep but they've been progressively growing stronger, and now I feel them constantly, loud and strong.

I think I've finally figured it out: My ability is detecting the other hereditary item in my family, Parkinson's. The traditional symptoms of the disease haven't manifested themselves outwardly, but I am sensing them inwardly. How weird is that!

I don't know if this a blessing, or a curse...