I almost had another run in with the law today, when I walked up to the Dollar General looking for Super Glue. I decided to go up and down each isle to get a feel for what they have, and on one isle I encountered a punk ass young muscular black guy, who wouldn't let me pass.

He thrust his cart in front of me and said This is my isle! Sadly he must of been trying to impress the young lady he was with, but she was just rolling her eyes and looked embarrassed. The scene reminded me of one of the prison movies I've been watching lately were guys were trying to build up some cred.

I looked behind him and realized there was nothing I needed there, then looked him in the eye, turned my back on him and headed to the next isle over, and I loudly said, What a fucking idiot!

As I got to the end of that isle I heard him going off, apparently he's not used to being called a fucking idiot in front of his girl. I approached a young lady cashier and asked her were the Super Glue was, but she was distracted by the loud stupid idiot approaching, who said I brushed up against him. Uh huh...

Hey man, you want to take a swing at an old guy in shorts and sandals, I'll make sure we go to court and he goes to jail. I think the fact that I was grinning and shaking my head to the clerk pissed him off even more.

Anyway, I got my Super Glue, didn't back down to the fool, and walked back home. The reason I needed the glue was to fix my broken tail light, which still has a hole.

I'm heading downtown tomorrow morning to finish licensing my truck and get a new Florida plate, before the hurricane arrives on Wednesday.

We could end up in the bullseye, and could lose water and electricity for a week. Shelby has a new friend that owns a gun store, lives a ways out of town and has a generator. He's invited her to come there if it gets crazy, and me too, but this has Road Trip written all over it.

Stay tuned!