Sometimes in life we need help, and sometimes it ain't there. Which is usually caused by the actions and decisions we have made in the process of getting to that point.

Help is often needed in different ways, emotional, financial, guidance, and friendship. I try to help people all the time, and I've actually helped a lot of folks around here.

Lately I stagger around my little house wishing I had help, someone to step in and say Jim, you're fucking up what you have left of your life!, and then help me change it.

But I do not. So, I will continue to stagger on legs that are failing me, with a semblance of pride, until I can't.

I will observe and write about life, ponder the mistakes of my past with compassion, and do my best to make it to the next day.

This is not the best description of living, but it's what I got, and I'm grateful for every moment, no matter how good or fucked up they may be.

Update: I just got a response to this post: Get your shit together papa!! Ok, sure, I'll put that down as tough love help!

My previous blog., allowed comments to be made on posts. That was interesting and social, maybe I should have allowed them here, but I did not. I wanted to take full responsibility for every word.

Here's an example from my old blog. Wow, I was in a much better place five years ago...