As I sit here in our ManCave on a sultry Pensacola, FL afternoon, I wonder what's really going on.

Every time I walk from the Cave into the House, I learn new things about my amazing grand-daughter Shelby's talent for selling shit, which is good! I'm contributing as much as I can to our life together, but she's the bread winner.

Have I mentioned (I'm sure that I have) that I love my housemate, and I'm grateful for everything she has done for me. I don't know if I've ever talked about it here, but I'm begining to understand now, the depths that my beloved grand-daughter Shelby went to save my life from suicide.

She put her on-line business on hold, at the risk of losing it all, to come up to Tennessee and rescue me. And now I'm living here in her home, in a wonderful town.

I love you Shelby!