A funny thing happened when I was sitting at the back of my truck at the rest area this evening. A man and his wife drove up next to me and as they departed the man had this instant look of "I smell pot". My drink is sitting there, I'm chillin, and he walks over and says hi. His wife rolled her eyes and went off to the restroom.

You're probably wondering where this is going, but it's not what you think. The guy moved right in front of me where he could see everything inside my truck. Like a bed, some booze and water, a shotgun.

He started asking me where I'd been and I told him about the fish fry in Paris. When he started to wonder about the logistics that brought a man from Lawrenceburg to Paris, and then back home through Metropolis, IL, I realized he was an off duty cop.

It just emanated from him, He was nice, I liked him! We chatted about a whole bunch of shit. It was a great conversation. Then his wife showed up, we parted ways, and now I'm writing this post.

I'm not doing a single illegal thing. I'm parked in a rest area that promotes people getting sleep while you're road trippin. I have a bed for that purpose and it's obvious I'm spending the night. I'm having a cocktail or two because I'm a grownass man and I am allowed.

And I'm still in Illinois, and that other stuff is legal here.

Isn't life interesting...