To whom it may concern,

Greetings! My name is Jim Hamilton, currently residing in Lawrenceburg, TN. I'm a former computer scientist, turned transit specialist, and now retired. I recently became interested in the MyRide Tennessee program from an ad in our local paper looking for a coordinator to take the reins of their volunteer program, for which I have applied.

I realized quickly that the program here has no internet presence other than facebook, and they use the domain name myridelawrence throughout, which begged for it's own website, so I created one. Then I wrote some great code to go with it.

Before I proceed here I should make my intentions clear. I do this for the love of the game, I'm not a hustler trying to work an angle with these fine people. Whatever comes from this will resolve itself honorably.

As to the code, besides being a pleasant landing spot for anyone interested in the service, it's phone friendly and looks like a native app, yet it's real strength lies in it's database structure.

There are three main components to a service that hooks up volunteer drivers with seniors to provide them rides around town to stores and doctors. You need a database containing the drivers, the clients, and the trips. Then you need an interface that individually allows drivers to signup, clients to signup, and then a system to handle the bookings.

I have created the driver and client signup systems, with state of the art security, along with administrator functions which oversee everything. The database is lacking financial information for the clients because it's a nonprofit, but otherwise complete. There is no bookings system, yet.

I have not met with the Lawrence county folks regarding this job yet, and quite frankly, if they have a person in mind who can handle it, I will support them, pass the code over if they're interested, and get some road trips in.

If anyone else within the MyRide system has an interest in what I have created, hit me up! You can reach the website here: If you go to the Links section you will see options for signing up as a Driver or a Client. Give it a shot if you like, it's only test data. The Administrator functions are very cool with control over everything, but you need to ask me directly for the Username and Password to try them out.


Jim (tetonpost at

I sent this to all of the MyRide Tennessee operations in the state. Here's what the Admin Dashboard looks like: