I got an EEG (electroencephalogram) today from a big ol bearded tech named Josh. He stuck sensors all over my head, next to my left eye and on my chest. Then he put a strobe light in front of my face and told me to lay back, close my eyes and relax.
For fourteen minutes he scanned my brain in silence, then he flashed intense colored lights at my closed eyes for a couple minutes, and the test was done.
He then ran a warm wet towel over my head to remove the sticky stuff and I felt like I was getting a facial at a massage parlor. I asked him how my brain looked and he said he wasn't allowed to comment, but I looked him in the eye, and he showed no emotion, so I guess I still have one.
Josh asked me about my Parkinsons and laughed when I told him I need to slip into a giant rubber and service horny female elephants at the zoo.
When I got back to Shelby's car out front, I told her about my first EEG and she said I had one up in Tennessee, that I absolutely don't remember.
Next up is a CAT scan and I assume I will get a diagnosis afterwards from the head doctor.
I think the truth is, there is no cure for Parkinsons. I will eventually get the external shakes, and then just live with it until I don't.