A funny thing did happen at the skin doctor place today. I was escorted into the exam room by a cute young guy whose job was to finish out the medical data grab.

As I sat in their big layed back chair, he sat across from me, feeding info into his tablet. He asked me if I was allergic to anything, and I said Mistletoe.

Suddenly he looked up at me, we locked eyes and he broke into a smile. He got it, laughed, and said he would have to use that one.

What a crazy time as we humans allow ourselves to be stupid, based on our childhood experiences. Well, not me, I'm an old motherfucker, and the last time I really bought this bullshit was when my brother was being abducted by aliens up in the mountains, and possibly me to.

I've been thinking about that a lot lately, as bright swirling plasma orbs enter our space. I always thought it was just my brother that was taken that night, maybe I was too, and injected with one of those alien blood types you see on the net.

It sure would explain the insane life I have led. Maybe I gained my intelligence from them. I've been a really smart guy now for decades.

When I entered the Navy back in the Vietnam era, I sat in a big room full of a couple hundred other young guys taking what I think was called the General Qualification Test.

They wanted to find out who their smart ones were. Guess who had the highest score in the room...

I totally fucked that thing up when I sneaked out of boot camp one night with a buddy, to hang out in San Diego. When I faced the brass in a court marshal later, they told me how I scored and wished me the best, and I was honorably discharged.

I went on to live a very crazy life and became a computer genius for decades. Now I sit here alone and depressed in a Florida garage that I want to call home, but I can't.

Being intelligent, I came up with this idea to move into the garage/cave and free up the two bedrooms for renters to move in to, and salvage Shelby's lease on this place.

That idea has been unfortunately shot down, because who would want to rent a room in a beautiful home with a crazy old man living in the garage.

I understand completely, because after all, I am smart.