Sometimes in life you have to face reality square on, and accept it. Sometimes it's the next step in your evolution and you need to embrace it, not fight it.
I'm at that point with my old truck. She's been a great friend and we've had amazing adventures together, but now, with 250K miles on her, I have to say goodbye.
The License, Registration and Insurance that I struggled for months to get here, were simply a lesson in Florida life.
Riley is offering to get his Dad another ride, while Dan and I discuss cleaning her out and sending her off to the junk yard.
Here's where I finally stand. I still have the skills to drive a few types of vehicles. I got my first license at sixteen in 1962, and I've driven millions of miles since.
I've never had a major accident, a DUI, or hurt anyone, and my last ticket (for speeding) was in the early nineties. I was a professional bus driver/supervisor for twenty years.
Now I really don't care if I ever drive again and I absolutely believe it's time to quit while I'm ahead. Hell, a lot of people my age are lucky to be alive, much less drive.
Walking a lot this Summer has restored vitality to my old body. By continuing this passion, and using public transit, I can say goodbye to driving forever.