My friend Carol called me last night from a nursing home in Rexburg Idaho. She was struck down as a young girl with a disease that landed her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, and I used to drove her around in my bus. I normally don't answer calls from out of state but this one came from Idaho and I recognized her voice instantly.

We had a nice chat and she finally asked me why I moved to Tennessee and I didn't have an answer. Am I glad I ended up here? No. Another holiday season is approaching and I only have two friends, Steph and my next door neighbor Daniel. Steph's grand-daughters that I grew to love are no longer in my life, I'm not involved in anything here other than staying alive, and my body is bailing on me.

But hey, I ain't bitching, how could I having known Carol, I'm just commenting on my life because this is my blog and I can. At least here in the South there are new places to explore and I'm doing that tomorrow...