I love a good massage. My previous partner Steph gave amazing ones, she even bought a padded massage table when we moved to Idaho. I would return the favor and it usually turned into a love making night.

Roatan, Honduras offers up an amazing row of mostly women masseuses along the beach. Last time I was there it was $20 and hour but I never dove in.

Caye Caulker is a small limestone coral island off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea. It's also an hour out by boat, so you need to plan your visit. It's not like a drive down the freeway.

Here's what they offer, the Just Relax Massage parlor.

My friend Crystal mosied into the Cave yesterday and I showed her this shot. She and her husband Dan have a booming massage therapy and Yoga business here. She was telling me that they just had an offer on an additional 1000 sq ft to expand their business, at $1.00 a foot, and they're jumping on it.

As we puffed on the pipe I was telling Crystal about all of the dynamic successful women I've met since moving here, including her. Than a friend of hers showed up and pulled up the folding chair to the table. She was very pretty, another successful woman, and they were both visiting me in the Cave.

Shelby was hanging out with a new friend of hers inside on the couch. Another lovely woman that I just met today, a labor and delivery nurse named Jennifer. So I gathered up my two Cave buddies and we burst into the house, with me yelling out that I was bringing my girls in!

Suddenly the kitchen was alive with female energy, a couple of introductions were made, and I just stayed out of the way.

The girls left and then Todd, Chelsea and her little brother showed up for a night of board games. I sat in for a couple of rounds, but I sucked at it and went to the Cave.

Just another day in Paradise!

That's Jennifer on the left.