Our Nashville Christian school shooting was a hate crime. The current balls lacking administration known as Biden's Boys, won't label it as such until they pour over the shooters manifesto, that hasn't been released yet.

It's a nice day here, storm tomorrow. Still questioning myself about why I didn't at least offer Kip a shower and some of my clothes. I haven't landed on an answer yet...

I remember one day when I was homeless and living in a field next to the apartment complex I used to live in. I ran into a buddy, a former neighbor of mine there, before I lost my apartment.

He asked if there was anything I really needed, and I said A Shower! It was the middle of the day, and he had the day off, so he invited me back to his place and let me shower. He was a friend, we've been in each others apartments many times.

His wife found out that I took a shower there, when she got home, and went through the roof. How could he let a dirty homeless guy into the sanctity of their shower?

Hey, I understand, I've let three homeless people use my shower here, to get their humanity back, if just for a few days. That's what it did for me.

Kip was just too far gone. You have to draw the line somewhere, and he was over it. The potential for spreading dangerous germs was high.

When he was here, he moved between Daniel's chair and the open front door. The house began to reek, Kip was in bad shape. I guess I've answered my question.